
How are ya all bloggers? love smile dong for me :)
On this occasion I will share one article tutorial blogger ya sob. The first tutorial ya in 2013 from me: D
This article by special request of my own best friend. Curious? Jump aja ya see "How to place ads drifted to the right and left blog" :)
screenshootnya like this ya bro :)


Before I explain the tutorial, so my review may be a little why the position of the advertising needed to be addressed. So to be a good publisher, we must know the strategic places for advertising. Try to put it in a place easily seen by visitors. It is intended for visitors since it first opened our blog will direct his gaze turned to the advertising that we put so as to attract visitors to click for us :)
and I think the advertisements floated on the blog is one of the most strategic place, because it is almost impossible visitors do not see the ads that we post.
And these steps to advertise the right and left to drift blog:

1. Open the blogger pal account and go to the dashboard.

2. Then select the menu layout and then add gadgets.
a free gadget does,, love-love you just because not going to influence, hehe: D

3. HTML / JavaScript
How to Create an Ad Drift to The Right and Left Blog

4. Copy - Paste the following code in the box provided.

<!-- floating ads googlejavascript.com --><script type='text/javascript'>$(document).ready(function() {$('img#closed').click(function(){$('#btm_banner').hide(90);});});</script>
<script type="text/javascript">var a=navigator,b="userAgent",c="indexOf",f="&m=1",g="(^|&)m=",h="?",i="?m=1";function j(){var d=window.location.href,e=d.split(h);switch(e.length){case 1:return d+i;case 2:return 0<=e[1].search(g)?null:d+f;default:return null}}if(-1!=a[b][c]("Mobile")&&-1!=a[b][c]("WebKit")&&-1==a[b][c]("iPad")||-1!=a[b][c]("Opera Mini")||-1!=a[b][c]("IEMobile")){var k=j();k&&window.location.replace(k)};</script><script type="text/javascript">if (window.jstiming) window.jstiming.load.tick('headEnd');</script>
<!--start: floating ads skipzen.org--><div id="teaser2" style="width:autopx; height:autopx; text-align:left; display:scroll;position:fixed; bottom:0px;left:0px;">
<div><a href="#" id="close-teaser" onclick="document.getElementById('teaser2').style.display = 'none';" style="cursor:pointer;"><center><img src='http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gwsFvgzCBDE/UC5jBenZUoI/AAAAAAAACLU/xlY3lJEl2IY/s1600/PhoXo2.png'/></center></a></div><!--Mulai Iklan Kiri-->
<!--Akhir Iklan Kiri--></div><!--end: floating ads skipzen.org-->
<!--start: floating ads skipzen.org--><div id="teaser3" style="width:autopx; height:autopx; text-align:right; display:scroll;position:fixed; bottom:0px;right:0px;">
<div><a href="#" id="close-teaser" onclick="document.getElementById('teaser3').style.display = 'none';" style="cursor:pointer;"><center><img src='http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gwsFvgzCBDE/UC5jBenZUoI/AAAAAAAACLU/xlY3lJEl2IY/s1600/PhoXo2.png'/></center></a></div><!--Mulai Iklan Kanan-->
<!--Akhir Iklan Kanan-->
</div><!--end: floating ads skipzen.org--><!-- end: floating ads skipzen.org -->

drug advertising insert script to replace the words "PUT THE SCRIPT AD HERE".

5. Click save.

If my friend is not satisfied with the ad right and left, my friend can add floating ads in other positions with the following code

<!--start: floating ads skipzen.org--><div id="teaser4" style="width:autopx; height:autopx; text-align:left; display:scroll;position:fixed; bottom:0px;">
<div><a href="#" id="close-teaser" onclick="document.getElementById('teaser4').style.display = 'none';" style="cursor:pointer;"><center><img src='http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gwsFvgzCBDE/UC5jBenZUoI/AAAAAAAACLU/xlY3lJEl2IY/s1600/PhoXo2.png'/></center></a></div><!--Mulai-->
<!--Akhir--></div><!--end: floating ads skipzen.org-->

put the code under the code that was.
the above code to show ads on the bottom center of blogs, indicated by code "position: fixed; bottom: 0px;"
to the position of the above blogs stick to change the code with "position: fixed; top: 0px;" without the quotes ya :)
if my friend still wants to add more ads, copy-paste the code again and replace all (No 2) code "teaser4" with "teaser5" ff. Remember, without the quotation marks: D

A few of my tutorial, hopefully useful :)