
Sometimes you need to have access to a website’s data while offline.  Maybe you’d like a backup of your own website but your hosting service doesn’t have an option to do so. It may be the case that you’d like to imitate how a popular website is structured or what their CSS/HTML files look like. Whatever the case there are a few ways you can download a part of or a complete website for offline access.
Some websites are too good to simply linger online that’s why we’ve gathered 5 tools which you can use to easily download any website right to your local PC, similar to our guide about backing up your Twitter account.
The programs we mention below can serve this purpose very well. The options are straightforward enough that you can begin downloading an entire website in just a couple of minutes.
Download Partial or Complete Website for Offline Access
HTTrack is an extremely popular program for downloading websites. Although the interface isn’t quite modern, it functions very well for its intended purpose. The wizard is easy to use and will follow you through settings that define where the website should be saved and some specifics like what files should be avoided in the download.
For example, exclude whole links from the site if you have no reason to extract those portions.
Also, specify how many concurrent connections should be opened for downloading the pages. These are all available from the “Set options” button during the wizard:
If a particular file is taking too long to download, you can easily skip it or cancel the process midway.
When the files have been downloaded, you can open the website at its root using a file similar to this one here, which is “index.html.”
Download HTTrack
Getleft has a new, modern feel to its interface. Upon launch, press “Ctrl + U” to quickly get started by entering a URL and save directory. Before the download begins, you’ll be asked which files should be downloaded.
We are using Google as our example, so these pages should look familiar. Every page that’s included in the download will be extracted, which means every file from those particular pages will be downloaded.
Once begun, all files will be pulled to the local system like so:
When complete, you can browse the website offline by opening the main index file.
Download Getleft
PageNest reminds me a bit of both HTTrack and Getleft combined. Enter the address of the website to download in the “Address” tab from the main page upon program launch. You’ll be asked for the essentials like the name of the site and where it should be saved.
Select a few options in the “Range” tab – choose whether to download pages that are not under the selected domain, among other settings, and then start the download.
When complete, you can open the download and view it offline, like this:
Download PageNest
Cyotek WebCopy
Use predefined passwords for authentication and create rules with Cyotek WebCopy to download a full site for offline viewing. Start a copy with the “F5” key and watch as the files are downloaded.
The total size of the currently downloaded files shows in the bottom right corner of the window.
You can even create a web diagram for a visual representation of the files.
Download Cyotek WebCopy
Wikipedia Dumps
Wikipedia doesn’t advise users to use programs like those above to download from their site. Instead, they have Dumps we can download here. For example, here are dumps for October 28th, 2013:
Download these clumps of data in XML format, extracting them with something like 7-Zip.
Download Wikipedia Dumps
Among the listed programs, I’ll say with confidence you’ll be able to download any website you want. Whether authentication is required or you only want select pages to be extracted, one of the abovefreeware programs will surely do.
The WikiPedia is a great resource for offline access. Studying about a topic or just want to read up about a specific topic? Download the data from the WikiPedia dumps and access it offline anytime you want.
If you like the idea of accessing websites offline you may like to read about using Gmail without internet connection with the Gmail Offline Extension.

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pagenestMungkin Anda pernah menjumpai sebuah situs web atau blog yang menurut Anda bagus, kemudian Anda ingin menyimpan seluruh artikelnya di komputer, atau menyimpan semua gambar-gambarnya simple-smile . Bisa sih dengan cara manual dengan membuka halaman satu per satu dan menyimpan (save) satu per satu. Cara ini kurang efektif, karena ada cara otomatis untuk menyimpan seluruh isi website/blog sekaligus, yaitu dengan software yang disebut Pagenest Free Edition.


Wallpaper Iklan
nguentenpon.blogspot.co.id – Update lagi artikel baru tentang tutorial blogger dan tutorial corel draw diNguentenPon Blog. Artikel ini merupakan request dari agan lambok Siahaan di facebook kemarin. Alhamdulillah bisa saya selesaikan dan bisa saya bagikan untuk teman-teman blogger di sini. Berikut ini request agan lambok Siahaan di facebook

Cara Membuat Widget Berlangganan Artikel keren ala KalongGanteng di Blog/Blogger | Widget pada blogger sangat bermanfaat untuk mempercantik tampilan blog, menjadikan lebih SEO serta meningkatkan visitor blog. Salah satu widget blogger yang akan kita bahas kali ini adalah widget berlangganan email. Tak jarang para blogger berbagi/share widget ini yang kebanyakan sama namun kali ini saya akan share widget berlangganan via email ala KalongGanteng (blog saya).
Sebenarnya saya juga ambil css-nya dari berbagai blog yang share namu saya modifikasi sehingga menjadi lebih simple, sesuai warna blog serta enak dipandang. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat sobat lihat pada screenshot widget berlangganan via email ala KalongGanteng berikut ini.

InfoBlogNews - Hari ini saya berbagi Cara Modifikasi Widget Feedburner + Sosial Media Keren untuk Anda. Widget ini membuat dengan tombol berbagi sosial dan kotak berlangganan email khusus dari feedburner. Anda dapat menambahkan widget ini hanya di blogger Anda. Apakah Anda ingin menambahkan widget ini ke blogger Anda. Ikuti langkah berikut ini ....

Cara Membuat Kotak Space Banner Iklan Di Blog (Updated)

Menampilkan space iklan di blog memberi peluang & informasi pada advertiser bahwa blog tersebut menawarkan space iklan yg dapat disewa. Apalagi jika blog tersebut memiliki kredibilitas, rank, serta traffic tinggi, maka advertiser/pemasang iklan pasti akan berbondong-bondong untuk memasang iklan/banner iklan di blog tersebut. Namun tidak ada salahnya juga bagi blog baru memberikan space/ruang tersendiri sebagai tempat beriklan advertiser. Hitung-hitung sebagai persiapan dan kali saja ada advertiser yg tertarik. Selain itu penggunaan space iklan dapat menjadi daya tarik tersendiri apabila diletakkan dengan benar.

Mengatasi Invalid Click Activity Pada Akun Google AdSense - Beberapa waktu lalu ada salah satu teman blogger yang bertanya mengenai akun adsense yang tiba-tiba terindeks adanya invalid click dan impresi atau penayanagan yang tidak wajar pada akun adsensenya lantas bagaimana cara mengatasinya...? baik sebelum saya jawab ada baiknya terlebih dahulu kita bahas :

Invalid Click Activity dan Impressions

Apa itu Invalid Click Activity...?

Invalid Click Activity ialah aktivitas tidak wajar yang terjadi pada akun adsense baik itu klik atau impresi/ penayangan iklan yang mungkin secara artifisial dapat merugikan advertiser/pengiklan.
Contoh dari Invalid Click Activity :
  • Publisher dengan sengaja mengklik iklannya sendiri
  • Mengajak atau mendorong orang lain untuk mengklik iklannya
  • Penggunaan tools auto click atau auto visitor
  • Dan lainnya...